Thursday, August 21, 2008

Autism Fundraiser

Autism Musical Fundraiser Performed in Brighton August 1st, 2008

The band Domanation (featuring the Doman brothers) performed a benefit concert on Friday evening, August 1st, hosted in space donated by the Insights Group at 7187 Grand River, in Brighton.
The band, comprised of several young men between the ages of 17 and 23, is extremely passionate about the cause, and put the benefit concert together before one of the members left for college the following week. Band Members include Victor Doman, guitar and vocals, Joe Doman on bass, David Doman, lead guitarist, Nate Paniacci on the drums and Jimmy Donnely, vocalist. All are graduates of Whitmore Lake High School.
Even with short notice the band, and event sponsor Al Smith of LAMOCU Media Services put on an event to a packed house and raised over $500 between ticket sales and the silent auction featuring sports memorabilia.
The doors opened at 7pm for the evening also featuring a silent auction of sports memorabilia, t-shirt sales, and warm up act Eric Tice from Pinckney, Michigan. The music began at 8pm with the wrap up at about 11pm. All proceeds from the event were donated to the Macomb/St. Clair County Chapter of Autism of America,
For further information you can call the Insights Group, which also hosts an Open MIC night every 2nd and 4th Saturdays for local talent to perform at 810-623-5839 or Alan Smith at Lamocu Media Services at 810-623-8131.

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