Friday, May 16, 2008

May 15 Brighton, MI News Article

Bliss. This simple word means different things to different people. “We like to describe our mission as chasing your bliss,” says InSights Group co-founder and First Lady, Sandra Maki. The dictionary definition of bliss is complete happiness, and this is what people want out of life. Through scheduled meetings and group discussions, relationships are formed with others who will help you on your way. Associating with others whom you respect, value and admire will help provide the inspiration, vision, courage and support to achieve your goals. For an entrepreneur or business person it could be increased prosperity and wealth. For anyone it could mean a spiritual or philosophical goal to better “know oneself”. InSights offers a dynamic experience which is different for each person who enters through the door. “An InSights experience will be uniquely yours,” says Maki.
Located between Brighton and Howell, at 7187 Grand River, InSights Group inspires creative thinking and is redefining the way businesses and individuals share information. InSights offers a new way to connect people and explore human relationships. The belief at InSights is that as you build relationships within the community you generate new growth and opportunity. InSights conversations require participation and sharing yourself with others. For those willing to do so, the rewards are immeasurable. You’ll gain a powerful sense of purpose, creativity, and energy to accomplish whatever is important to you.
InSights Group is a membership-driven organization. Members can attend any of the posted meetings, form their own meeting groups, and can host events at Insights. Some join for the alternative work environment and a satellite office, or place to meet clients and hold off-site meetings. Insights offers a wide variety of resources including private offices, conference rooms, a large common area along with secure Wi-Fi and copying services.
“Finding bliss every day by embracing each moment,” adds Maki, “through openly sharing ideas, engaging creativity in others, or simply by giving free hugs, we are rewarded by this shared experience.”
Current activities taking place at InSights Group include Business InSights Strategy Sessions, Book Clubs, Toastmasters Club, Café InSights, Philosophy Discussion Groups, CPR Classes, Antiques Show, Yoga Classes and Open Mic Nights.
For more information, visit or call 810-623-5839.
--By Colin Thomas, InSights Group Member

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