Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Twitter FAQ
Use twitter to follow people who you find interesting. Use the service to keep updated about social, business and intellectual areas of a person's life.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Online Social Networking Class and how to's
Many of you have asked about Online Social Networking (if you have linked in, facebook, plaxo, Twitter, or participate on our InSights website, this will teach you how to use the tools for your business!). We are adding more dates to the schedule. We are also presenting at the Brighton Chamber of Commerce beginning in January, doing a lunch and learn with the Howell Chamber, as well as presenting at a local women’s group in February. We can bring this class, and several others, to your company, your sales force, rotary group or other civic organization. Just ask if you’d like to bring this information into your organization! We are happy to help, and would love if everyone learned about, used, and continued to promote these awesome tools!
See the calendar…we have awesome events this week and next…including an entrepreneur program on Monday from 8-12, Motor City Connect Pizza Party from 11-1pm and Online Social Networking from 1:30-3:30 pm. You’ve got to get involved!!
See the calendar…we have awesome events this week and next…including an entrepreneur program on Monday from 8-12, Motor City Connect Pizza Party from 11-1pm and Online Social Networking from 1:30-3:30 pm. You’ve got to get involved!!
Ladies Night News Release January 16th Event

NEWS RELEASE: Ladies Night: We are accepting vendors for the 2009 Shows. The first is scheduled for January 16th, 2009, from 6-10pm. We have spaces available for vendors at typical trade show size booths, and I have added an AWESOME NEW ALTERNATIVE for people who don’t require a large display. We have 2x2 Conversation Areas available for a great, you can’t beat it, or go wrong with it price, with all the benefits of entire show, just in a little cozier space. Call or email for details!
Membership Highlights:
Membership highlights:
You will have the ability to achieve the success that you seek by becoming a member of the InSights Community.
We believe so strongly that you will achieve the success you seek for your business and personal goals that we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee!
Join the InSights Group as a Community Affiliate by December 31, 2008, and receive exclusive 2008 CLUB MEMBER BENEFITS, offered only to those individuals who have joined the organization in 2008. Get Started Now!
For unlimited learning and growth opportunities you can become an ongoing learning place participant. You have UNLIMITED, FULL TIME, GUARANTEED access to ALL InSights Group events and seminars on the calendar. Attend as many as you’d like, every month, for the best and greatest success building opportunity for your business!
As a learning place participant, you have the first opportunity to present your services, products and opportunities to the community of members.
You will have the ability to achieve the success that you seek by becoming a member of the InSights Community.
We believe so strongly that you will achieve the success you seek for your business and personal goals that we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee!
Join the InSights Group as a Community Affiliate by December 31, 2008, and receive exclusive 2008 CLUB MEMBER BENEFITS, offered only to those individuals who have joined the organization in 2008. Get Started Now!
For unlimited learning and growth opportunities you can become an ongoing learning place participant. You have UNLIMITED, FULL TIME, GUARANTEED access to ALL InSights Group events and seminars on the calendar. Attend as many as you’d like, every month, for the best and greatest success building opportunity for your business!
As a learning place participant, you have the first opportunity to present your services, products and opportunities to the community of members.
Community Buy In Options available at InSights Group
I am scheduling one on one meeting to discuss our InSights Community with anyone who is interested in community buy in options. We have awesome incentives to become involved before December 31st. As you may know, InSights Group is celebrating our one year business anniversary on January 8th, 2009 …look for a calendar full of events to celebrate the occasion! We have more WEB 3.0 (Social Networking Training), our Ask the Expert Series, we’re bringing back the business SKUNK meetings, and much more. If ever there was a time to get involved to better your business, the time is now! Give yourself a gift this holiday season and invest in your future. This is the place to start!
Holiday Party Recap
Holiday Party Recap...
I have posted pictures on our website. I didn't get everyone, so I do apologize. I think I need several more people with cameras floating through these events! Thank you to everyone who baked, prepared, or brought goodies to share. We appreciate you! Thank you for playing our Reindeer Games, hopefully you met some new people and had fun in the process. Thanks to Lauren Alm, our solo artist on the guitar, wasn't she great (she'll be back this Saturday at Open MIC Night, 8-11pm)! The talent in the room yesterday was amazing. We are thrilled to have you all in our lives, and look forward to your continued participation in the upcoming months! Look for the new faces you met on our InSights Group Connection website...soon to have many new members...you can also invite your friends and contacts...instructions will be coming out via one of the discussion board posts.
Announcing the winners of the Reindeer Games:
First Place, winning two Ladies Night Out booths, and a free month of membership to InSights is Chuck Thompson of Tropitan!
Bonnie Hilberer won the lighted Christmas Ornament as 1st runner up,
Andy Drake, 2nd runner up with www.seeyouthen.com, took away the Wayne Dyer Book Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life (look for a new book club discussing this book coming up on the calendar).
Winners of the guess the number of ornaments were Dr. Nicole Bittner, Hands on Health Chiropractic, with a guess of 73, and Colin Thomas of mlive.com with a guess of 71. The actual number was 72. (See me, I have a book for each of you!) Winner of the guess what's in the boxes is Arlene Clarke, with the most correct entries (Arlene, see me next time you are in as well!!)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Can you match the description with the real life person?
The SUSPECTS have been brought in today for questioning. Who do you think is telling the truth?
The detective here tonight interrogating suspects has been asking too many suspicious questions. He was last seen on stage with the microphone, trying to lip sync to some music. Mrs. White claims she has an alibi “I was at the hospital managing my staff last night, there is no way I had time to travel all the way back to InSights.” The Merry Widow reports she was in a tax coaching session with a Christmas Tree Farmer three days ago…hmmmm, motive? The farmers bookie has an interest in more trees being used this year. Could he have done it? Everyone was avoiding the enforcer who’d been at the library giving a talk on financial planning strategies in the current economic climate. Could he have influenced the act?
The last time anyone saw Mrs. Green Thumb, she was in the back shed with a spade and dirt on her nose. Miss Scarlet was last seen in the building around midnight, with the light in her office coming through the drawn shades. What could she have been doing? Gathering intel on Holiday Shoppe vendors? Mr. Green was promoting the Holiday event during his hobby of attending networking groups to promote the elimination of ums and ahs in public.
Professor Plum was last seen in A2 where he was planning the next revolution of internet marketing. There may have been some twittering involved. Colonel Mustard was planning how to rally his troops. As the talker, he was very clear in the last objectives he gave his audience! The infamous Hattie Pinprick, fastest draw in the Midwest, has access to all the vacant property in the county. Could she have the means to commit the act?
Here's the CLUE GAME from Ladies Night November 14th!
We need your help! There’s been a break-in at the InSights Group (your local co-working, networking, holistic business center)!
Yesterday when the meeting concluded and all the guests left the building, all was calm. This morning when the building was opened for business, there was a fully lit and decorated Christmas Tree with a note that read “It’s a Black Tie Affair.” Help us solve who done it by visiting all the vendors to collect your clues. You need to identify a suspect, tool to gain access to the building, and where in the building they left the tree. When completed, please visit the accusation area to enter your claim for your chance to win.
In your travels you will have the chance to question the suspects, who have been gathered here today. As a bonus, identify the alias of each of the characters, and their actual real life company for an additional entry in the CONFIDENTIAL FILE in the accusation area. Happy sleuthing!
MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the next Ladies Night Out, January 16th, 2009
Women’s Health and Wellness Expo
Yesterday when the meeting concluded and all the guests left the building, all was calm. This morning when the building was opened for business, there was a fully lit and decorated Christmas Tree with a note that read “It’s a Black Tie Affair.” Help us solve who done it by visiting all the vendors to collect your clues. You need to identify a suspect, tool to gain access to the building, and where in the building they left the tree. When completed, please visit the accusation area to enter your claim for your chance to win.
In your travels you will have the chance to question the suspects, who have been gathered here today. As a bonus, identify the alias of each of the characters, and their actual real life company for an additional entry in the CONFIDENTIAL FILE in the accusation area. Happy sleuthing!
MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the next Ladies Night Out, January 16th, 2009
Women’s Health and Wellness Expo
Ladies Night Out Vendors, November 14th, 2008
Ladies Night Out
Friday, November 14th, 2008
Holiday Shoppe & CLUE Mystery!
Alan Smith
LAMOCU Media Services
Allan Curtis & Sandra Maki
InSights Group
7187 Grand River, Brighton, MI 48114
American Laser Center
Andi Sklar
Andi’s Candies
Barbara White, Leap Healing
8548 N. Canton Center, Canton, MI
Bob Ziegler, Toastmasters
Dan Winters,
Dan’s Back and Body Shop
Gisela Bosch
Internal Balance Ind.
Xango Distributor
Joe Ostervik, Mobile Rhythm Dj’s
Jon Curtis,
Jon Curtis Photography
Karen Mills, Shaklee
Karen Ryan, Tax Savings Solutions LLC
The Village Chapel, LLC
"Where Happily Ever After Begins!"
Legendary Escapes Swimming Pools LLC
Pietila Pools Services LLC
www.legendaryescapes.com or www.pietilapoolsservices.com
Karla Thomas
Pampered Chef
Kathy Jerore
Joppa Minerals
Kathy Jerore
Healing is a Process, Not a Pill
Naturopathic Therapies
In Harmony With Buyers & Sellers
Real Estate One
Kimo Fredricksen
True body Fitness
Last Chance Rescue
Janince, Marilyn, Leisa, Susan
Lisa Temple
Pink Market LLC
*Cash for Gold
Lavinia Matei
Massage by Matei
Lorie Ausel & Ann Rajala
Gentle Strength Counseling & Holistic Center
9841 Spencer Road, Brighton
Louise Starbird,
Photoworks Portrait Studio
8121 Grand River Road, Brighton
Lynn North, Arbonne
Monica Tombers, Just So! Jewelry
511 W. Main St, Brighton
Dr. Nicole Bittner, Hands on Health Chiropractic
10192 E. Grand River,
Ste 107, Brighton
Paula Ward, Pure Romance by Paula
(248) 515-0252
Renewal by Anderson
Sarah Robbins/Joni Thompson
Rodan + Fields Independent Consultant
(734) 260-3258
Shawn Kitzman
Synergy Martial Arts
10381 Citation Drive, Ste 150
Todd Praschan,
Pillar Investment Advisors
2244 Euler Road, Suite 108, Brighton
Wedding Cake Art and Design Center
Kory & Christina Rollison
Friday, November 14th, 2008
Holiday Shoppe & CLUE Mystery!
Alan Smith
LAMOCU Media Services
Allan Curtis & Sandra Maki
InSights Group
7187 Grand River, Brighton, MI 48114
American Laser Center
Andi Sklar
Andi’s Candies
Barbara White, Leap Healing
8548 N. Canton Center, Canton, MI
Bob Ziegler, Toastmasters
Dan Winters,
Dan’s Back and Body Shop
Gisela Bosch
Internal Balance Ind.
Xango Distributor
Joe Ostervik, Mobile Rhythm Dj’s
Jon Curtis,
Jon Curtis Photography
Karen Mills, Shaklee
Karen Ryan, Tax Savings Solutions LLC
The Village Chapel, LLC
"Where Happily Ever After Begins!"
Legendary Escapes Swimming Pools LLC
Pietila Pools Services LLC
www.legendaryescapes.com or www.pietilapoolsservices.com
Karla Thomas
Pampered Chef
Kathy Jerore
Joppa Minerals
Kathy Jerore
Healing is a Process, Not a Pill
Naturopathic Therapies
In Harmony With Buyers & Sellers
Real Estate One
Kimo Fredricksen
True body Fitness
Last Chance Rescue
Janince, Marilyn, Leisa, Susan
Lisa Temple
Pink Market LLC
*Cash for Gold
Lavinia Matei
Massage by Matei
Lorie Ausel & Ann Rajala
Gentle Strength Counseling & Holistic Center
9841 Spencer Road, Brighton
Louise Starbird,
Photoworks Portrait Studio
8121 Grand River Road, Brighton
Lynn North, Arbonne
Monica Tombers, Just So! Jewelry
511 W. Main St, Brighton
Dr. Nicole Bittner, Hands on Health Chiropractic
10192 E. Grand River,
Ste 107, Brighton
Paula Ward, Pure Romance by Paula
(248) 515-0252
Renewal by Anderson
Sarah Robbins/Joni Thompson
Rodan + Fields Independent Consultant
(734) 260-3258
Shawn Kitzman
Synergy Martial Arts
10381 Citation Drive, Ste 150
Todd Praschan,
Pillar Investment Advisors
2244 Euler Road, Suite 108, Brighton
Wedding Cake Art and Design Center
Kory & Christina Rollison
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Next Michigan Chapter Meeting
Join us Tuesday night from 6:30-8:30pm as we host the Next Michigan organization, and get the Brighton, MI location up and running! This group is dedicated to making Michigan Better. You want to be a part of this!! InSights Group
insights group,
Next Michigan
Next Michigan Chapter Meeting
Join us Tuesday night from 6:30-8:30pm as we host the Next Michigan organization, and get the Brighton, MI location up and running! This group is dedicated to making Michigan Better. You want to be a part of this!!
insights group,
Next Michigan
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Work Life Balance
I am the First Lady of a business resource center in Brighton, MI. We have created within our culture what we refer to as a holistic approach to business. We cater to business professionals and entrepreneurs (categories which my co-founder and I both fit into). When we are able to look at our businesses as compliments to our home and family lives, we are able to be so much more positive, forward thinking, and yes, balanced. I am truly thankful that every day the universe provides such wonderful opportunities!
I welcome connections and look forward to bringing our work/life balance philosophy to even more individuals!
I am the First Lady of a business resource center in Brighton, MI. We have created within our culture what we refer to as a holistic approach to business. We cater to business professionals and entrepreneurs (categories which my co-founder and I both fit into). When we are able to look at our businesses as compliments to our home and family lives, we are able to be so much more positive, forward thinking, and yes, balanced. I am truly thankful that every day the universe provides such wonderful opportunities!
I welcome connections and look forward to bringing our work/life balance philosophy to even more individuals!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Music and More!
Laura Mackimmie was a special guest musician for the evening playing her guitar and singing songs she has written. Laura says her music is "angry, morbid, plucky and sometimes silly." The crowd loved it--and we look forward to Larua coming back to many upcoming open mic night events! Visit Laura at http://hippiespiritrecords.com/
Collaborative Community Mixer and Open House Sept 27th!
September 27th brought out many of the InSights Group community members and guests. The mixer from 6-8 was an opportunity to mix and mingle, and make new connections. Guests sampled wine from Howell's Main Street Winery, a huge hit at any party!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Support Michigan!
I just found this website and figured I'd share...
Support Michigan businesses!
Support Michigan businesses!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Al and I were part of a LIVE studio audience!
Al and I were invited to a Very Special Taping of the Public Television Program Turning Setbacks into Comebacks with Willie Jolley. On Thursday, Sept 18th, we were able to listen to a program by a dynamic speaker, meet Willie and be a part of this awesome event! I highly recommend you take a peek at the message that Willie Jolley shares with his audiences. He was even game for FREE HUGS!!
Willie Jolley is the best-selling author of It Only Takes a Minute to Change Your Life
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Contact: Sandra Maki For Immediate Release
Telephone: 810-623-5839
Cell Phone: 248-798-0239
Friday, September 12th Insights Group hosted a life-sized Monopoly Game and themed Ladies Night Out. The InSightopoly game featured over 35 vendors who were each a stop on the game board, which was designed promote a conversation styled trade show-a new venue for vendors and service providers to establish Connections in the local market. There were several presentations featured throughout the fun-filled event. Judy Shepard of a Miracle Today spoke about alternative healing sources, several vendors were on hand with samples of their foods, products, and Dr. Nicole Bittner of Hands on Health Chiropractic was offering complementary spinal scans. Israel Retana of Good As New, an antique furniture restoration company was the event Emcee and kept the crowd in high spirits throughout the evening. Mr. Moneybags, (aka Allan Curtis) was live and in person handing out Community Chest and Chance opportunities. Some guests were thrown into the mock “Jail” by either drawing the chance card or running into one of the officers (Sandra Maki and Jim Gray) during the evening. To Get Out of Jail guests were encouraged to roll doubles with a life-size set of die, or donate money which went to support the local Breast Cancer fundraising campaign.
The vendors loved the show style and interaction.”I just want to say thank you for organizing a great evening last Friday. That was the first time I have participated in any kind of vendor show, and I am a convert! It was clear that InSights Group worked hard to create a fun and rewarding evening for all the participants--vendors and attendees alike. I met a lot of great people and I look forward to many more such events. Great job!”--Chris Freeze, MonaVie.
“I just would like to tell you again how much I enjoyed your ladies night out. I have worked a few other Ladies night out events and this was by far the best I have ever been a part of. Along with making some good connections with possible future clients I had a lot of fun. When I first heard about the insight-opoly I was wondering about it but it was great. It in a fun way made people go to all of the vendors and meet them. Even though I did go to jail twice. (It was all for charity!) Thanks again!”--Dan Winters, Dan’s Back and Body Shop
“I heard over and over again, especially from the new vendors---they had never been to anything like this before and they just loved it. Vendors actually thought it was "more" productive than the normal women's expo!”—Alan Smith, LAMOCU Media Services
Ladies Night is a new way for businesses to market themselves through a personal dialogue with potential consumers that adds value to everyone. Guests and attendees are introduced to new products and businesses in a casual, relaxed environment. It’s a great chance to interact and have new experiences that you can’t find in a magazine or online. Also, many vendors provide free samples or provide special offers.
The next Ladies Night is scheduled for Friday, November 14th 2008, and will feature a “Holiday Shoppe.” The show wouldn’t be complete without its own theme…so guests can come prepared to meet Ms. Scarlet, Ms. Peacock, Mr. Green, Colonel Mustard and Professor Plum as they try to find the clues and solve the mystery who done it game of Clue. Vendor spaces are available-guests of vendors will get receive admission at no charge. The event runs from 6-10pm.
You can find more information about the event at www.insights-group.com.
Come join us at the Insights Group located at 7187 Grand River Ave, Brighton, MI 48114 (at Pless Rd. and Grand River, 2 Buildings east of the “Rollerama” between Brighton and Howell.
# # #
For more information, please stop by or call Sandra Maki @ 248-798-0239 or e-mail smaki@insights-group.com
Telephone: 810-623-5839
Cell Phone: 248-798-0239
Friday, September 12th Insights Group hosted a life-sized Monopoly Game and themed Ladies Night Out. The InSightopoly game featured over 35 vendors who were each a stop on the game board, which was designed promote a conversation styled trade show-a new venue for vendors and service providers to establish Connections in the local market. There were several presentations featured throughout the fun-filled event. Judy Shepard of a Miracle Today spoke about alternative healing sources, several vendors were on hand with samples of their foods, products, and Dr. Nicole Bittner of Hands on Health Chiropractic was offering complementary spinal scans. Israel Retana of Good As New, an antique furniture restoration company was the event Emcee and kept the crowd in high spirits throughout the evening. Mr. Moneybags, (aka Allan Curtis) was live and in person handing out Community Chest and Chance opportunities. Some guests were thrown into the mock “Jail” by either drawing the chance card or running into one of the officers (Sandra Maki and Jim Gray) during the evening. To Get Out of Jail guests were encouraged to roll doubles with a life-size set of die, or donate money which went to support the local Breast Cancer fundraising campaign.
The vendors loved the show style and interaction.”I just want to say thank you for organizing a great evening last Friday. That was the first time I have participated in any kind of vendor show, and I am a convert! It was clear that InSights Group worked hard to create a fun and rewarding evening for all the participants--vendors and attendees alike. I met a lot of great people and I look forward to many more such events. Great job!”--Chris Freeze, MonaVie.
“I just would like to tell you again how much I enjoyed your ladies night out. I have worked a few other Ladies night out events and this was by far the best I have ever been a part of. Along with making some good connections with possible future clients I had a lot of fun. When I first heard about the insight-opoly I was wondering about it but it was great. It in a fun way made people go to all of the vendors and meet them. Even though I did go to jail twice. (It was all for charity!) Thanks again!”--Dan Winters, Dan’s Back and Body Shop
“I heard over and over again, especially from the new vendors---they had never been to anything like this before and they just loved it. Vendors actually thought it was "more" productive than the normal women's expo!”—Alan Smith, LAMOCU Media Services
Ladies Night is a new way for businesses to market themselves through a personal dialogue with potential consumers that adds value to everyone. Guests and attendees are introduced to new products and businesses in a casual, relaxed environment. It’s a great chance to interact and have new experiences that you can’t find in a magazine or online. Also, many vendors provide free samples or provide special offers.
The next Ladies Night is scheduled for Friday, November 14th 2008, and will feature a “Holiday Shoppe.” The show wouldn’t be complete without its own theme…so guests can come prepared to meet Ms. Scarlet, Ms. Peacock, Mr. Green, Colonel Mustard and Professor Plum as they try to find the clues and solve the mystery who done it game of Clue. Vendor spaces are available-guests of vendors will get receive admission at no charge. The event runs from 6-10pm.
You can find more information about the event at www.insights-group.com.
Come join us at the Insights Group located at 7187 Grand River Ave, Brighton, MI 48114 (at Pless Rd. and Grand River, 2 Buildings east of the “Rollerama” between Brighton and Howell.
# # #
For more information, please stop by or call Sandra Maki @ 248-798-0239 or e-mail smaki@insights-group.com
Monday, September 15, 2008
Ladies Night Out Customer Appreciation Event September 12th was a hit!
What a wonderful experience it was to attend the Insightopoly event! The vendor and community turnout was more than I expected and everyone seemed cheerful and in good spirit.
The game atmosphere was a great idea and the rolling doubles to get out of jail or paying your own bail had everyone even more festive.
As a vendor I got to meet many amazing people and make connections in ways I couldn't have from networking on my computer, or through local advertisements. It was fun and inspiring to see how many people ( vendor & otherwise ) were interested in helping to develop new relationships by connecting those they knew who might love my new concept, vision, ideas and art.
Overall the event, in my opinion, was a huge success and I can't wait to come to future events at Insights. With good planning, good people, and good music, the events are always assured to be just as successful, festive and fun.--Michelle Dreamer Acevedo, sojomaxsboutique.com, "Imagination Couture"
The game atmosphere was a great idea and the rolling doubles to get out of jail or paying your own bail had everyone even more festive.
As a vendor I got to meet many amazing people and make connections in ways I couldn't have from networking on my computer, or through local advertisements. It was fun and inspiring to see how many people ( vendor & otherwise ) were interested in helping to develop new relationships by connecting those they knew who might love my new concept, vision, ideas and art.
Overall the event, in my opinion, was a huge success and I can't wait to come to future events at Insights. With good planning, good people, and good music, the events are always assured to be just as successful, festive and fun.--Michelle Dreamer Acevedo, sojomaxsboutique.com, "Imagination Couture"
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Ladies Night Out Customer Appreciation Event September 12th was a hit!
"This event, despite the weather, was phenomenal!!! I met new people, even ran into friends I haven't seen in quite some time. I actually met a woman who is a retired Livonia School teacher, who is good friends with a very special teacher I had in Junior High school. I won't mention how long ago, but she is going to put us back in touch. Now how cool is that!!! These events can be more than you could ever hope for." Thanks to the Insights Group!!! – Karen Mills, Shaklee Corporation
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Good as New

"The Business InSights, http://www.insights-group.com/, meetings have been a great educational tool for me. Imagine a round table of business owners discussiong their views, opinions, and ideas related to your business. It allows for you to step back and take a look at your business through someone else's eyes. It gives you the courage to try new ideas that work." -Israel Retana, Good As New
In her own words...
Just So! - InSights Group Testimonial One cold February morning this year, I dragged myself out of my comfy warm bed because my Xerox Sales Representative had, already last year, invited me to a “Business Networking” meeting. Since it was a 7 a.m. meeting and I am not a morning person, it took me a while to take her up on her offer. Yet since that cold February morning, there is not a week that has gone by where I have not been to some meeting or other at InSights Group. From a 7 am Net Shui – Business Networking Meeting to the 6:30 pm Toastmasters Meetings, there is something for me every day, if I care to attend. This also includes non-business events like “Open Mike Night” for comedy and music, Yoga Class for stretching the physical along with the mental, Book Club for interesting discussion, and “CafĂ© InSights” for philosophical enlightenment. My company, Just So!, has participated in several “Ladies Nights” sponsored by InSights. We have made numerous connections, many of which I am sure that we have not yet seen the full scope of. Even just having a member listing on their website gives us yet another place that we are linked into the cyberworld. InSights Group is a great place to just chill and get a cup of tea or coffee. After a bad storm recently, it was a place to work while they got the power back up at the office. It is also the place to bounce ideas and listen to the challenges in other businesses. It’s amazing how a totally different business can face a challenge that gives me ideas to apply to my own business. For example, Just So! was preparing to put an ad into a National Magazine. This was a major investment for us. By showing our various layout ideas at a networking meeting, where there were no other jewelry designers or manufacturers, we received some surprising feedback. As one example, we used words in the ads that meant nothing extra to our audience. What a waste of space that would have been! If you’ve not yet attended some InSights events (http://www.insights-group.com/), do yourself a favor and get to know a different view on the world.
-- Monica Tombers, Associate Designer, Just So! – www.JustSoJewelry.com
-- Monica Tombers, Associate Designer, Just So! – www.JustSoJewelry.com
Friday, September 5, 2008
Friday Night, Sept 12th, Ladies Night Out!
The Ladies Night planned for Friday, September 12th is going to be a fantastic event! We have several local vendors participating in a conversation style customer appreciation vendor show! Live music, a comedian, women's self defense, wine tasting and more will be offered at the event. Vendors involved in this awesome event, with a few twists as we re-enact a life size Monopoly game (including Mr. Moneybags live and in person!) include:
Alan Smith, LAMOCU Media Services
Allan Curtis, Sandra Maki, InSights Group
7187 Grand River, Brighton, MI 48114
Alison Peasley, Tupperware
Barbara White, Leap Healing
8548 N. Canton Center, Canton, MI 48187
Bob Walker, English Gardens
Kyle Rutkowski, Lauren Rutkowski
Bob Ziegler, Toastmasters
Chris Freeze
MonaVie Distributor
Dan Winters, Dan’s Back and Body Shop
Glenn Matecun, The Kizer Law Firm
207 N. Michigan Ave, Ste 202, Howell, Mi 48843
Israel Retana, Good as New Furniture Restoration
Brighton, MI 48114
Judy Shepard, A Miracle Today (Biomat)
Karen Mills, Shaklee
Karen Ryan, Tax Savings Solutions LLC
PO BOX 444, Brighton, MI 48116
The Village Chapel, LLC
"Where Happily Ever After Begins!"
Krissy VanOyenRodan + Fields Independent Consultant
Karen Olson, Legendary Escapes Swimming Pools
Louise Starbird, Photoworks Portrait Studio
WINNER Livingston County (Brighton Argus & Livingston County Press) People's Choice Awards Third Place
8121 Grand River Road, Brighton, MI 48114
Mary Jo (mj) Takagi, YOUR Independent Mary Kay Beauty Consultant (NP)mjtakagi@marykay.comwww.marykay.com/mjtakagi
(810) 599-3470
Monica Tombers, Just So! Jewelry
511 W. Main St, Brighton, MI 48116
Dr. Nicole Bittner, Hands on Health Chiropractic
10192 E. Grand River, Ste 107, Brighton, MI 48116
Paula Ward, Pure Romance by Paulahttp://www.paulaward.pureromance.com/
(248) 515-0252
Paddy Ash, Stand Up Comedienne, Humor for Health
Shalynne Barr, Two Sisters Gourmet
Upcoming Team Leader
Website: http://www.twogourmeteveryday.com/
Email: help@twogourmeteveryday.com
Shawn Kitzman, Synergy Martial Arts
Theresa Jarrahzadel, Lavendar Dreams (Bellanina Face-lift massage)
121 W. North St., Ste 4, Brighton
Todd Praschan, Pillar Investment Advisors
2244 Euler Road, Suite 108, Brighton, MI 48114
Tom Dougekos, Built by Tom
Trista Holben, lia Sophia jewelry
Program Mentions:
Joe Ostervik, Mobile Rhythm Dj’s
Nancy McDaniel
Formula For Fitness
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
248-787-2853 Business
Sara Smith Independant Partylite Consultant
(517)545-5951 or 810-223-8050
Sarah Robbins
Rodan + Fields Dermatologists
(734) 260-3258
Guests can pay $10 at the door, or contact one of the participating vendors for complimentary tickets. We'll see you on Friday evening, from 6-10pm!
Alan Smith, LAMOCU Media Services
Allan Curtis, Sandra Maki, InSights Group
7187 Grand River, Brighton, MI 48114
Alison Peasley, Tupperware
Barbara White, Leap Healing
8548 N. Canton Center, Canton, MI 48187
Bob Walker, English Gardens
Kyle Rutkowski, Lauren Rutkowski
Bob Ziegler, Toastmasters
Chris Freeze
MonaVie Distributor
Dan Winters, Dan’s Back and Body Shop
Glenn Matecun, The Kizer Law Firm
207 N. Michigan Ave, Ste 202, Howell, Mi 48843
Israel Retana, Good as New Furniture Restoration
Brighton, MI 48114
Judy Shepard, A Miracle Today (Biomat)
Karen Mills, Shaklee
Karen Ryan, Tax Savings Solutions LLC
PO BOX 444, Brighton, MI 48116
The Village Chapel, LLC
"Where Happily Ever After Begins!"
Krissy VanOyenRodan + Fields Independent Consultant
Karen Olson, Legendary Escapes Swimming Pools
Louise Starbird, Photoworks Portrait Studio
WINNER Livingston County (Brighton Argus & Livingston County Press) People's Choice Awards Third Place
8121 Grand River Road, Brighton, MI 48114
Mary Jo (mj) Takagi, YOUR Independent Mary Kay Beauty Consultant (NP)mjtakagi@marykay.comwww.marykay.com/mjtakagi
(810) 599-3470
Monica Tombers, Just So! Jewelry
511 W. Main St, Brighton, MI 48116
Dr. Nicole Bittner, Hands on Health Chiropractic
10192 E. Grand River, Ste 107, Brighton, MI 48116
Paula Ward, Pure Romance by Paulahttp://www.paulaward.pureromance.com/
(248) 515-0252
Paddy Ash, Stand Up Comedienne, Humor for Health
Shalynne Barr, Two Sisters Gourmet
Upcoming Team Leader
Website: http://www.twogourmeteveryday.com/
Email: help@twogourmeteveryday.com
Shawn Kitzman, Synergy Martial Arts
Theresa Jarrahzadel, Lavendar Dreams (Bellanina Face-lift massage)
121 W. North St., Ste 4, Brighton
Todd Praschan, Pillar Investment Advisors
2244 Euler Road, Suite 108, Brighton, MI 48114
Tom Dougekos, Built by Tom
Trista Holben, lia Sophia jewelry
Program Mentions:
Joe Ostervik, Mobile Rhythm Dj’s
Nancy McDaniel
Formula For Fitness
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
248-787-2853 Business
Sara Smith Independant Partylite Consultant
(517)545-5951 or 810-223-8050
Sarah Robbins
Rodan + Fields Dermatologists
(734) 260-3258
Guests can pay $10 at the door, or contact one of the participating vendors for complimentary tickets. We'll see you on Friday evening, from 6-10pm!
Friday, August 29, 2008
You pay as you go with virtual office
You pay as you go with virtual office
Business center provides services and space for home businesses and road warriors.
Brighton, MI-There are many companies who offer services that are done at customers' homes or offices around the country.Many of these have employees and hundreds of independent contractors work from their homes.Why pay thousands of dollars a month on a long-term office lease?Instead, InSights Group offers a solution - Tax Saving Solutions, LLC, a tax planning resource and accounting firm; LAMOCU Media Services, an event planning and speaking company; and EC Group, a marketing consulting firm - have virtual offices or use space in the Brighton commercial complex.Unlike virtual reality games, virtual offices are physical places. It's just that tenants don't stake out a permanent presence there. They get mail delivery, phone answering, use of equipment and conference rooms on a pay-as-you-go basis. They don't pay for services or space they don't use.The concept - a subset of what are called executive suites or office business centers - appeals to home-based business owners, traveling sales personnel and telecommuting employees far from corporate headquarters.The business address is for these companies housed at InSights Group is 7187 Grand River, Brighton. It is managed by Sandra Maki and Allan Curtis, who dreamed up the idea to bring a diverse offering of services to the local business community within their trend setting office facility.Most of Insights' tenants are small businesses or corporate employees who rent offices on an as needed basis within the center. But a growing part of the business is people who come maybe once a month to use conference room to meet with local staff or use the fax machine or copier. Prices start at $80 a month for all inclusive service, and $160 for eight hours use of a conference room, said Insights spokeswoman Sandra Maki."I get the personal touch that the InSights Group provides to members, and I get a professional look if I meet with clients there. But my work is done on site at a clients' location. We are able to save thousands of dollars a month." Says Alan Smith of LAMOCU Media Services.This virtual approach is increasingly common because of cell phones, computer and Internet technology.There are more than 4,000 office business centers in North America, another 4,000 worldwide as reported by the Office Business Center Association International, a trade group.Often office building owners won't lease less then several thousand square feet of space. An office business center can take a large suite or entire floor of a building and still accommodate a small business that needs and can afford only a few hundred square feet.While technology makes business centers and virtual offices possible, the economy is making them more popular. "Working from home was popular a few years ago, but many people who did it found they don't like being in their house 24 hours a day. People miss socialization. Often they find they're not as productive as they thought they would be because of all the distractions at home."says Al Curtis of InSights . "People come to us because they want an alternative to working from home. It's a personal preference. How do you work?" Sign up now to join the InSights Group virtual office community. Visit www.insights-group.com or call 810-623-5839.
Business center provides services and space for home businesses and road warriors.
Brighton, MI-There are many companies who offer services that are done at customers' homes or offices around the country.Many of these have employees and hundreds of independent contractors work from their homes.Why pay thousands of dollars a month on a long-term office lease?Instead, InSights Group offers a solution - Tax Saving Solutions, LLC, a tax planning resource and accounting firm; LAMOCU Media Services, an event planning and speaking company; and EC Group, a marketing consulting firm - have virtual offices or use space in the Brighton commercial complex.Unlike virtual reality games, virtual offices are physical places. It's just that tenants don't stake out a permanent presence there. They get mail delivery, phone answering, use of equipment and conference rooms on a pay-as-you-go basis. They don't pay for services or space they don't use.The concept - a subset of what are called executive suites or office business centers - appeals to home-based business owners, traveling sales personnel and telecommuting employees far from corporate headquarters.The business address is for these companies housed at InSights Group is 7187 Grand River, Brighton. It is managed by Sandra Maki and Allan Curtis, who dreamed up the idea to bring a diverse offering of services to the local business community within their trend setting office facility.Most of Insights' tenants are small businesses or corporate employees who rent offices on an as needed basis within the center. But a growing part of the business is people who come maybe once a month to use conference room to meet with local staff or use the fax machine or copier. Prices start at $80 a month for all inclusive service, and $160 for eight hours use of a conference room, said Insights spokeswoman Sandra Maki."I get the personal touch that the InSights Group provides to members, and I get a professional look if I meet with clients there. But my work is done on site at a clients' location. We are able to save thousands of dollars a month." Says Alan Smith of LAMOCU Media Services.This virtual approach is increasingly common because of cell phones, computer and Internet technology.There are more than 4,000 office business centers in North America, another 4,000 worldwide as reported by the Office Business Center Association International, a trade group.Often office building owners won't lease less then several thousand square feet of space. An office business center can take a large suite or entire floor of a building and still accommodate a small business that needs and can afford only a few hundred square feet.While technology makes business centers and virtual offices possible, the economy is making them more popular. "Working from home was popular a few years ago, but many people who did it found they don't like being in their house 24 hours a day. People miss socialization. Often they find they're not as productive as they thought they would be because of all the distractions at home."says Al Curtis of InSights . "People come to us because they want an alternative to working from home. It's a personal preference. How do you work?" Sign up now to join the InSights Group virtual office community. Visit www.insights-group.com or call 810-623-5839.
Sandy and Al meet author/speaker Tony Rubleski
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Ladies Night Luau Event Recap July 11, 2008

Friday, July 12th Insights Group hosted a tropical themed event bringing people together to enjoy a relaxing evening out and an opportunity to learn something new. Israel Retana of Good As New Furniture Restoration was the event emcee for the evening and helped keep the crowd charged! Local vendors were on hand providing demonstrations and talking about their products and services. There were several presentations featured throughout the fun-filled event. Nadira, of Nadira Dance out of Ann Arbor, provided a beautiful belly dancing performance and an opportunity for ladies to try the dance themselves. This program event was sponsored by Dr. Sam Daniels, Orthodontist. Shawn Kitzman of Synergy Martial Arts led a self defense demonstration and offered some great advice and techniques to women for their self protection. Barbara White of Leap Healing provided inspiration and empowerment with her words on the importance of living in your own power and not giving it away to others. She guided a discussion of how to be uplifting while remaining strong within yourself.
Ladies Night is a new way for businesses to market themselves through a personal dialogue with potential consumers that adds value to everyone. Guests and attendees are introduced to new products and businesses in a casual, relaxed environment. It’s a great chance to interact and have new experiences that you can’t find in a magazine or online. Also, many vendors provide free samples or provide special offers. Louise Starbird of Photoworks Portrait Studio was giving away a free 5x7 photo of the “girlfriend poses” taken in front of a beautiful beachscape background, hand painted by Allan Curtis of InSights Group.
The next Ladies Night is scheduled for Friday, September 12, 2008, and is a Customer Appreciation Event. Vendor spaces are available-guests of vendors will get receive admission at no charge. Visit http://www.insights-group.com/ for more details.
Friday, July 12th Insights Group hosted a tropical themed event bringing people together to enjoy a relaxing evening out and an opportunity to learn something new. Israel Retana of Good As New Furniture Restoration was the event emcee for the evening and helped keep the crowd charged! Local vendors were on hand providing demonstrations and talking about their products and services. There were several presentations featured throughout the fun-filled event. Nadira, of Nadira Dance out of Ann Arbor, provided a beautiful belly dancing performance and an opportunity for ladies to try the dance themselves. This program event was sponsored by Dr. Sam Daniels, Orthodontist. Shawn Kitzman of Synergy Martial Arts led a self defense demonstration and offered some great advice and techniques to women for their self protection. Barbara White of Leap Healing provided inspiration and empowerment with her words on the importance of living in your own power and not giving it away to others. She guided a discussion of how to be uplifting while remaining strong within yourself.
Ladies Night is a new way for businesses to market themselves through a personal dialogue with potential consumers that adds value to everyone. Guests and attendees are introduced to new products and businesses in a casual, relaxed environment. It’s a great chance to interact and have new experiences that you can’t find in a magazine or online. Also, many vendors provide free samples or provide special offers. Louise Starbird of Photoworks Portrait Studio was giving away a free 5x7 photo of the “girlfriend poses” taken in front of a beautiful beachscape background, hand painted by Allan Curtis of InSights Group.
The next Ladies Night is scheduled for Friday, September 12, 2008, and is a Customer Appreciation Event. Vendor spaces are available-guests of vendors will get receive admission at no charge. Visit http://www.insights-group.com/ for more details.
Ladies Night Out Recap May 9, 2008

Ladies Night Out May 9th, 2008
Friday Night, May 9th, InSights Group hosted it's first of many Ladies Night Out events.
Friday Night, May 9th, InSights Group hosted it's first of many Ladies Night Out events.
Special thanks to the evening's Men in Black!
L-R: Allan Smith, Israel Retana, Shawn Kitzman, Sandra Maki (Not in Black), Allan Curtis,
Tom Fendon, Colin Thomas, Rick Bourbonais, David Haslam & Paul Wesa
Tom Fendon, Colin Thomas, Rick Bourbonais, David Haslam & Paul Wesa
The doors were opened and the public welcomed to attend this event featuring conversation style pampering and an opportunity to meet local businesses sponsoring over $800 of prizes given away throughout the evening. Attendees and vendors enjoyed wine tasting provided by Howell's Main Street Winery, and fabulous food provided by Bennigan's of Howell. Brighton Tux Shop outfitted several gentlemen in Tuxedo's to create the Men In Black contest for the evening. Ladies had to meet every one of the nine men in tuxedos and ask for letters to solve the puzzle with the grand prize sponsored by Dr. Sam Daniels, Orthodontist. Live musical talent helped to complete the event, provided by Jarrett Cogswell and Greg Johnson in the main venue. DJ Joe provided ambiance with music in the French Corridor. Allan Smith of LAMOCU Media Services helped to coordinate this awesome event! For more information on upcoming Ladies Night Out events visit www.insights-group.com.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Autism Fundraiser
Autism Musical Fundraiser Performed in Brighton August 1st, 2008
The band Domanation (featuring the Doman brothers) performed a benefit concert on Friday evening, August 1st, hosted in space donated by the Insights Group at 7187 Grand River, in Brighton.
The band, comprised of several young men between the ages of 17 and 23, is extremely passionate about the cause, and put the benefit concert together before one of the members left for college the following week. Band Members include Victor Doman, guitar and vocals, Joe Doman on bass, David Doman, lead guitarist, Nate Paniacci on the drums and Jimmy Donnely, vocalist. All are graduates of Whitmore Lake High School.
Even with short notice the band, and event sponsor Al Smith of LAMOCU Media Services put on an event to a packed house and raised over $500 between ticket sales and the silent auction featuring sports memorabilia.
The doors opened at 7pm for the evening also featuring a silent auction of sports memorabilia, t-shirt sales, and warm up act Eric Tice from Pinckney, Michigan. The music began at 8pm with the wrap up at about 11pm. All proceeds from the event were donated to the Macomb/St. Clair County Chapter of Autism of America, www.macombasa.org.
For further information you can call the Insights Group, which also hosts an Open MIC night every 2nd and 4th Saturdays for local talent to perform at 810-623-5839 or Alan Smith at Lamocu Media Services at 810-623-8131.
The band Domanation (featuring the Doman brothers) performed a benefit concert on Friday evening, August 1st, hosted in space donated by the Insights Group at 7187 Grand River, in Brighton.
The band, comprised of several young men between the ages of 17 and 23, is extremely passionate about the cause, and put the benefit concert together before one of the members left for college the following week. Band Members include Victor Doman, guitar and vocals, Joe Doman on bass, David Doman, lead guitarist, Nate Paniacci on the drums and Jimmy Donnely, vocalist. All are graduates of Whitmore Lake High School.
Even with short notice the band, and event sponsor Al Smith of LAMOCU Media Services put on an event to a packed house and raised over $500 between ticket sales and the silent auction featuring sports memorabilia.
The doors opened at 7pm for the evening also featuring a silent auction of sports memorabilia, t-shirt sales, and warm up act Eric Tice from Pinckney, Michigan. The music began at 8pm with the wrap up at about 11pm. All proceeds from the event were donated to the Macomb/St. Clair County Chapter of Autism of America, www.macombasa.org.
For further information you can call the Insights Group, which also hosts an Open MIC night every 2nd and 4th Saturdays for local talent to perform at 810-623-5839 or Alan Smith at Lamocu Media Services at 810-623-8131.
Autism Fundraiser
Virtual Office
Our second area of focus is offering a "satellite" office for someone who needs a place to meet a client, have a business base. Use us as your business address with flexible access to office space, one meeting at a time. Fax/Copy/WIFI are all available on site. We have offices to accomodate 1-2 people and conference rooms available that will seat from 5-10 up to 150 people. Find Facility Rental Information Here
Needed: Self Employed
InSights Group is currently looking for local business owners, self-employed, salespeople, employees, or those individuals who find themselves "in transition" who would like to become part of our business focus and mastermind groups. Please contact Sandra or Allan at (810) 623-5839 for more information about becoming involved. Groups meet several days a week and offer different times to accomodate many busy schedules. We look forward to meeting you!
Self Employeed Resource
FREE HUGS Merchandise
Friday, May 16, 2008
Why InSights?
InSights Group was formed based on extensive conversation and idea generation based on some outside the box thinking, and a fresh approach to reaching out to the community. Together with Allan Curtis, he and I identified a need for a new arena for everyone from business owners, self-employed individuals, and the stay at home parent to connect somewhere that offers a unique opportunity to grow and share intellectual ideas. The concept of "Chasing your bliss" was born and Insights Group was formed. We hope that you will chase your bliss as we lead you in group discussions and help to generate ideas and thought provoking topics that lead to your finding insights around every turn in your life. InSights Group is something new and unique, and we believe that we are truly on a path to the formation of an amazing and awesome journey.
May 15 Brighton, MI News Article
Bliss. This simple word means different things to different people. “We like to describe our mission as chasing your bliss,” says InSights Group co-founder and First Lady, Sandra Maki. The dictionary definition of bliss is complete happiness, and this is what people want out of life. Through scheduled meetings and group discussions, relationships are formed with others who will help you on your way. Associating with others whom you respect, value and admire will help provide the inspiration, vision, courage and support to achieve your goals. For an entrepreneur or business person it could be increased prosperity and wealth. For anyone it could mean a spiritual or philosophical goal to better “know oneself”. InSights offers a dynamic experience which is different for each person who enters through the door. “An InSights experience will be uniquely yours,” says Maki.
Located between Brighton and Howell, at 7187 Grand River, InSights Group inspires creative thinking and is redefining the way businesses and individuals share information. InSights offers a new way to connect people and explore human relationships. The belief at InSights is that as you build relationships within the community you generate new growth and opportunity. InSights conversations require participation and sharing yourself with others. For those willing to do so, the rewards are immeasurable. You’ll gain a powerful sense of purpose, creativity, and energy to accomplish whatever is important to you.
InSights Group is a membership-driven organization. Members can attend any of the posted meetings, form their own meeting groups, and can host events at Insights. Some join for the alternative work environment and a satellite office, or place to meet clients and hold off-site meetings. Insights offers a wide variety of resources including private offices, conference rooms, a large common area along with secure Wi-Fi and copying services.
“Finding bliss every day by embracing each moment,” adds Maki, “through openly sharing ideas, engaging creativity in others, or simply by giving free hugs, we are rewarded by this shared experience.”
Current activities taking place at InSights Group include Business InSights Strategy Sessions, Book Clubs, Toastmasters Club, Café InSights, Philosophy Discussion Groups, CPR Classes, Antiques Show, Yoga Classes and Open Mic Nights.
For more information, visit www.insights-group.com or call 810-623-5839.
--By Colin Thomas, InSights Group Member
Located between Brighton and Howell, at 7187 Grand River, InSights Group inspires creative thinking and is redefining the way businesses and individuals share information. InSights offers a new way to connect people and explore human relationships. The belief at InSights is that as you build relationships within the community you generate new growth and opportunity. InSights conversations require participation and sharing yourself with others. For those willing to do so, the rewards are immeasurable. You’ll gain a powerful sense of purpose, creativity, and energy to accomplish whatever is important to you.
InSights Group is a membership-driven organization. Members can attend any of the posted meetings, form their own meeting groups, and can host events at Insights. Some join for the alternative work environment and a satellite office, or place to meet clients and hold off-site meetings. Insights offers a wide variety of resources including private offices, conference rooms, a large common area along with secure Wi-Fi and copying services.
“Finding bliss every day by embracing each moment,” adds Maki, “through openly sharing ideas, engaging creativity in others, or simply by giving free hugs, we are rewarded by this shared experience.”
Current activities taking place at InSights Group include Business InSights Strategy Sessions, Book Clubs, Toastmasters Club, Café InSights, Philosophy Discussion Groups, CPR Classes, Antiques Show, Yoga Classes and Open Mic Nights.
For more information, visit www.insights-group.com or call 810-623-5839.
--By Colin Thomas, InSights Group Member
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